Airport Code:





28 miles south of London, near M23 Junction 9


London Gatwick Airport, Gatwick, West Sussex, RH6 0JH


+44 (0)870 000 2468

Bus and Train Services

Although Gatwick is nearly 30 miles south of London, a fast train gets you to central London in 30 minutes. In fact, you can travel faster to central London from Gatwick than from Heathrow. The train, called Gatwick Express, runs to and from Victoria Station in London every 15 minutes. You can save time and money by booking train tickets online at

Alternatively, there is an hourly National Express coach service to Victoria Station. The journey takes from 70 to 80 minutes. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office, ticket machine or you can save money by booking in advance on-line using their website.

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